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An e-mail that we received on September 28, 2010 from K

I began studying the Artist’s Way in February 2010. I immediately started writing morning pages, and have continued to do so ever since. I love them! They’re my way of clearing out the “stuff’ that would otherwise be on my mind all day. In fact, at the end of every morning pages session I write a prayer of gratitude and do a quick meditation – it’s all part of getting balanced for the day.

One morning, about two months after starting my morning pages, I was walking through UCSD’s campus on my way to work. Suddenly I was aware that my surroundings were more colorful and more intense than ever before. The leaves were greener, the sky was bluer, and the flowers on the trees were more vivid in every way. I knew then that the Artist’s Way was working, because my mind’s eye was now really seeing the glory of God’s creations.

Shortly after that I began composing poetry in my head as I walked on campus in the mornings or during my lunch hour. I have completed five poems now, and my goal is to publish a book of poetry which reflects UCSD’s campus and surrounding neighborhood by the end of 2011.

Before studying the Artist’s Way I had an idea for a non-fiction book, but that’s what it was – just an idea. But with the encouragement of Julia Cameron’s teachings I have actually done some fairly significant research on this boo. It’s still in the early stages but I now have an actual “project” in the works, rather than just an idea.

I purchased another of Julia Cameron’s books, “Walking in this World”, in CD format, and listened to the 6-disc CD three times while driving to work and back. It inspired me even more, especially when I actually DID “take pen in hand” and write down the answers to the questions she asked. Some of them are kind of tough, but I answered the questions and reaped the benefits.

The Artist’s Way is more than a book; it is a tool that can help you unlock your creativity and create whatever it is you’ve always dreamed of creating. Julia Cameron is very Unity-like in her insistence that we are all creations of the Great Creator, so therefore WE can create, too! We just need to believe in ourselves. She gives us the encouragement, and the tools, to do so.

So, I encourage you all to go for it – you’ve got nothing to lose!
Blessings, K

This page was updated on February 17, 2012.